M any people are unaware of how much of their personal and financial information is floating around on various consumer lists, which may leave them vulnerable to fraud and identity theft. So, what can you do to help protect yourself? Don't give out personal or financial information—including your date of birth, Social Security number, employment information, and your maiden name or your mother's maiden name—to telemarketers or solicitors. Avoid listing income and work-related information on product registration and warranty cards. Be secretive about passwords or personal identification numbers (PINs) on bank cards, telephone cards, and cell phones. Don't use your Social Security number as your driver's license number. You may be able to request a different number if this is a common practice in your state. Only use web sites that offer secure connections when making online purchases. Following these common-sense steps may help you protect your personal inf...
H ow resourceful can you be during your retirement? Determining where your retirement money will come from is an integral part of planning for retirement. Most people draw on three main sources of income: Social Security , employer-sponsored plans , and personal retirement savings . Each offers important resources that can help you fund the lifestyle you seek in retirement. Social Security Social Security offers a retirement benefit to workers and their spouses. You can start receiving benefits as early as age 62 (considered early retirement) or wait until you reach the full retirement age of 65 to 67 (depending upon your year of birth). The benefits you receive are based on the income you have earned over the course of your life, subject to a maximum amount. You can calculate how much you can expect to receive by visiting the Social Security Administration (SSA) website at www.ssa.gov . Social Security benefits wil...